We – EPG Group the biggest gearbox & motors , torque limiter couplings and gears factory in China with 5 diverse branches. For a lot more information: Cell/whatsapp/telegram/Kakao us at: 0086~13083988828 13858117778083988828 The use of unique tools manufacturer’s (OWhen a torque overload occurs, the transmitted torque will exceed the established torque position of the Torque Limiter. When this happens, the frictional power is no longer strong adequate to transmit the torque from the driving shaft to the pushed member, and the driven member slips between the friction disks. When the torque overload is taken out, the Torque Limiter automatically resets and resumes transmitting torque.EM) component figures or logos , e.g. CASE® and John Deere® are for reference needs only and for indicating item use and compatibility. Our firm and the shown replacement elements contained herein are not sponsored, approved, or made by the OEM.